Sunday, November 11, 2012

Drinking Age

     In this blog I am going to write about how I dont agree with the drinking age because if you are able to fight for your country then you should be able to simply have a beer. 
     Ethos: I belive that the drinking age should be changed because there are many kids that are going over seas to protect us abd this country.  There are people straight out of high school that will be risking there lives just to let us have freedom.  I belive that this is the right thing to do because even though some kids drink before they are of age some people havent and have waited for a long time to have there first drink.  If these young men and women can stand up for us and protect us then they should be able to have a beer when there eighteen and not have to wait until they are twenty-one.
     Logos: Although many people think that this is the wrong thing to do I believe that it is a right law to change because no man or women should have to wait until they are a senior in college or graduated college to have there first beer legally.  Im not saying that this could happen anytime soon but we should really consider changing the law.
    Pathos: The reason that I am wirting about this topic is because i have been seeing things to honor the veterans that we still have with us today.  It gets me thinking that maybe i should join the military when im older so I can be a role model for younger kids and they will have some one to look up to.  It also got me thinking about all of the young people that are protecting this country right now and how some of them might not make it home to there friends and families becasue they were insuring that they will be safe.

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